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High heart rate
Sit quietly for ten minutes and check pulse.
Take a full teaspoon of unrefined sea salt in a glass of water (8-12
ounces). In one hour, recheck pulse. If it lowers considerably, the high
pulse is from low sodium.
For those on T3 medication, a second test would be to take a dose of
T3 and again wait an hour and retest heart rate. If it lowers
considerably, it is from low T3.
For those taking HC, take an extra 2.5 mg dose of HC and wait an hour
and retest. If it lowers considerably, it is from low cortisol.
Low stomach acid
This test is to help determine if your stomach is producing sufficient
hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for good digestion. A reduction in
the production of stomach acid is common as people age, but it is also
a common symptom of low thyroid.
Before eating in the morning, make a solution of one-quarter teaspoon
of baking soda in eight ounces of water and drink it. If you are
producing sufficient stomach acid, you would expect to burp in two to
three minutes. If drinking the solution does not cause a burp within five
minutes, there is a good chance you have low stomach acid.
Taking blood pressure with an electronic blood pressure cuff
• Relieve your bladder if needed
• Sit upright with arm extended, palm up, resting on a surface in front of
you at heart height
• Wrap the cuff smoothly and snugly around the upper arm
• position the lower edge of the cuff about 1 inch above the elbow
• position the tube outlet toward the hand on the palm side of the
arm; it's left-to-right position will be indicated on the cuff or in the
instructions that came with it; if in doubt, center it on the arm
• Rest for 15 minutes without eating, drinking or smoking
• Take blood pressure three times in a row, about one minute apart
• Average the results
Low aldosterone
Pupil Test
Go into a dark room or closet with a flashlight and mirror. After a few
minutes with eyes open in the darkness, shine the light into your eyes
from the side. Observe the pupils. Pupils will get small and should stay
small and steady. If after a while they flutter or get larger again, it is an
indication of low aldosterone.
Orthostatic hypotension
Orthostatic hypotension, or blood pressure which drops upon standing,
is another indication of low aldosterone. Rest for five minutes lying
down, then take a blood pressure reading. Stand up and immediately
take the blood pressure again. The standing readings of both systolic
and diastolic numbers should rise as the body elevates blood pressure
to push blood to the brain. Blood pressure that does not elevate
indicates low aldosterone.